Pitzer College Blood Drive





Gold Student Center Room 206
Register Here (Enter "Pitzer" to Schedule Your Appointment)

Please visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter: Pitzer to schedule an appointment. 

We strongly recommend signing up to donate in the first few hours of the Blood Drive. 

Additionally, please consider donating "Power Red"

  • You may already know about the ongoing need for blood and the importance of your blood donations. Whole blood donations contain red blood cells, platelets, plasma and white blood cells. Red blood cells are the most frequently used blood component and are needed by almost every type of patient requiring transfusion. If you meet certain criteria, Power Red allows you to safely donate two units of red cells during one appointment as an automated donation process. It is as safe as whole blood donation.
  • During your Power Red, blood is drawn from one arm through an automated process. The machine separates and collects two units of red cells and then safely returns the remaining blood components, along with some saline, back to you through the same arm.
  • Save time and make your blood donation go further: If you are extremely busy, committed to donating blood and an eligible type O, A negative or B negative donor, Power Red may be ideal for you. Each procedure lets you give more of the product that is needed most by patients. Power Red (double red cell donation) takes approximately 30 minutes longer than a whole blood donation and you can donate approximately every four months.
  • Feel better: With all of your platelets and plasma returned to you along with some saline, you don’t lose the liquid portion of your blood and may feel more hydrated after your donation.

Event Information


  • Gold Student Health and Wellness Center

Event Type

Event Organizer

Gold Student Health & Wellness Center

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